Your Achievements In Running

Recently completed your first race? Won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in your age group? You've lost weight from running? You've done something you never thought you'd do -- run? Let us all celebrate with you! Tell us about your successes.


Laura said...

Well, it would appear that I'm the first person willing to brag publically (ha ha). I'm a 38 year old mom of 2 who's never run/jogged before in my life EVER. In high school, I could not complete a mile. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever successfully run 1 mile. Walk? Yes. Run/Walk? Yes. But run, no. UNTIL TODAY!!!! I had been following a program for beginners from and that got me exercising regularly and liking it. Then, last night, I read the article on this blog that had to do with the basics of running. It talked about forgetting distance, and pace and just focus on running a comfortable 30 minutes. So today I set out to do that. I did a 5 minute walking warm up then started running, slowly. I listened to my body and adjusted my speed as needed so that I could pass the talk test but kept running. Before I knew it I'd run farther and longer than I ever have before! Thanks for the great article. It inspired me, and helped me have a great achievement.


Allen said...

Hi Laura,

Thanks for sharing with us, and congratulations on setting a new Personal Best on time! That time will give you a goal to beat.

Be sure and run heavy/light and to follow the 10% rule or less in increasing your distance. And, be sure and get sufficient sleep each night. Running actually destroys body cells, and it is during rest that your body repairs the cells and becomes stronger.

john.tarana said...

I am almost 56, 20 months post heart attack and was inspired by your blog. I have not run anywhere, (except perhaps in an emergency) for about 20 years. I was already walking 20 minutes around 3 times a week but have always wanted to run again. The few times I tried I just gave up after a few seconds and thought I will never be able to do this. However I decided to try your method concentrating on time and small changes and feel I have made some real progress. I started with 5 minutes walking, 1 minute running, then 4 minutes walking 1 minute running, 3 minutes walking 1 minute running etc. Although I have only added 5 minutes running in total. I feel much better and so far has been fairly easily tagged on to my 20 minute walk. Small steps but giant leaps in confidence. Thank you !!

Allen said...

Congratulations, John, on your mixing running in with your walking! That is a big achievement. Your body will tell you when to add more running.

Paulo said...

When I was a child, age 5, to 10, I ran everywhere, and I could run what seemed like forever as a kid, but when I got older my diet changed from fish and rice and vegetables, to meats and burgers, and sweets. Running almost ceased to exist in my life until I was about 19. I recently changed my diet, about 7 months ago, I eat fish, and vegetables, for the most part, and I play 2 hours of basketball a night, sometimes 5-6 days a week, and I run twice a week to increase my endurance, and strength. Right now, I can run 4 miles in 26 minutes. My goal, is to increase by 1-2 miles every week, in combination with my workout at the gym and basketball. I am trying to train for the Rock and Roll P.F. Changs Marathon here in Phoenix, Arizona. The marathon is 26.2 miles, which would be the farthest I have ever run in my life. I figure I have 3 and a half months to train for the distance, and with my current adding 2 miles a week formula it should get me close to 24 miles come the time of the marathon. It's a hell of a challenge, but that is what life is about so I am ready to train for it.

how to ollie said...

Excellent post and writing style. Bookmarked.

Allen said...

Paulo, 4 miles in 26 minutes is fast! Did you make the marathon?

Ollie, thanks for the kind remarks!

Scott said...

Running injury-free may be the most important aspect of running. I feel you accomplished your goal simply by running at your abilities. Nice article.

Nick said...

I have been training for my first marathon in November, and have lost 20 lbs since January! On the 4th of July I ran my first "long" race - finishing 17.7KM (~11 miles) in 1:36 (~8:52 pace) - which if I can keep training around that pace should get me in the 4 hr ballpark for my first marathon.
The race was run either as a 4-5 man relay race or as individuals - and I came in first for the individuals and 4th place overall. It felt great!

chajadan said...

Starting exactly today I have surpassed 400 logged miles run since starting in July (< 6mo). During this time I've run a full hour at 6.9mph, 10 straight miles all >= 6mph in 95mins, and 1 mile straight at 8mph in 7:30, as other personal bests in this time. Before this stint of running my best mile was 10min. Years ago I ran a half marathon at 5mph on the treadmill, but I've yet to attempt another.

chajadan said...

Just the other day I took my second ever attempt at a treadmill half marathon. I ran it successfully in 2:11, all at 6mph, shaving 26min off my previous time!

chajadan said...

I have 7 major running goals: to run a full hour each at 5, 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 9, & 10mph. I just hit goal 3, 7 miles in one hour at 7mph! A short warm-up preceded. So exciting!!

Allen said...

chajadan, you're fast!! Especially when done on a treadmill; congrats!