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Training to Run, Jog, and Walk

For those who enjoy it, running, jogging, and walking are great ways to experience the outdoors, to feel great, and to lose weight. However, if we aren't careful, injuries can occur. With proper training we can learn to run injury free.

The running literature and running web sites are full of training tips and suggestions on running without injury. Many of those tips are given in this web site. Read the pages I've posted, and then enjoy your sport -- injury free!

To make it more convenient for you to find the pages you're looking for, I've divided the pages into three sections, Planning Your Training, Training Details, and Cross-Training.
bullet Plan Your Training
bullet Training Details

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The information in this site and in my podcasts is for informational purposes only; it does not constitute medical or physical therapy advice. For medical advice, consult a physician. For physical therapy advice, consult a physical therapist.

Copyright Allen W. Leigh 2003, 2007
All Rights Reserved